Balance diagnostic made in Germany
Vertigo and dizziness are one of most complaints in clinical praxis.
Every 5th adult suffers from vertigo and dizziness. The causes of dizziness can be very different.
With the help of different test procedures, the origin of the dizziness can be diagnosed.
The main focus of diagnostics is on:
- Vestibular testing:
>> Video head impulse test (eHIT)
>> Bithermal caloric test (eVNG)
>> Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (eVEMP) - Oculomotor function:
>> Smooth pursuit test (eVNG)
>> Saccadic test (eVNG)
>> Optocinetic test (eVNG)
>> Fixation suppression (eVNG) - Somatosensoric testing:
>> Posturography (ePOSTURO)
>> Somatosensorisch evozierte Potentiale (SEP) - Neurophysiology:
>> Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP)
>> Motor evoked potentials (MEP)
>> Acustic evoked potentials (eABR)
The BioMed Jena GmbH offers you all of this devices from one source.
All devices have been developed by us and are also produced at the Jena city.

The video head impulse test (vHIT) is a fast method and acurate method for objective examination of all 6 semicircular canals. The investigation carried out by the evaluation of the vestibular ocular reflex. Read more ...

The eVNG USB is THE Videonystagmography system with functionality, you will impressed by. The stable binocular mask with built-in motion sensors convinced .... click

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMP) are a reaction of the vestibular system to acoustic stimuli. cVEMP are used to selectively and side specific diagnostic of saccule. The first description of VEMP was performed by Colebatch and Halmagyi in 1992. With the eVEMP device both c- and oVEMP can be derived. .... Click.

Posturography (Equilibrium Analysis) is a method for determining the functionality of the postural control under load of the lower extremities. Using position sensors, the weight shifts and the vibration behavior of the body is determined and records. The data on the vibration behavior are considered indicators of balance, stability and symmetry. The results of the measurements provide evidence for diagnosis and therapy. More ....

The eFRENZEL - video frenzel goggles provides ideal conditions for fixation-free observation and recording of eye movements. Furthermore the stimulating maneuvers can also be recorded. At a glance, you can see the movements of the eyes resulting from the maneuver performed. You can create comments and notes for the individual videos.